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Industry-University Cooperation Exchange Meeting with the Shibaura Institute of Technology (Feb. 29, 2016)

On February 29, 2016, IRID member TOSHIBA held the industry-university cooperation exchange meeting with Matsuhira laboratory, the Shibaura Institute of Technology (Professor Nobuto Matsuhira, Intelligent Mechanical System Laboratory, Engineering Science and Mechanics Department).
On the day of the meeting, about 30 people, including IRID members and students of the Shibaura Institute of Technology, participated.

Participants exchange information each other on the details of research and development they are working on. Mr. Wakui, IRID member TOSHIBA, introduced about environmental improvement activities and technology development for the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (NPS). Also, Professor Nobuto Matsuhira introduced the overview of researches conducted by the Engineering Science and Mechanics Department, the Shibaura Institute of Technology, i.e., researches on a multi-robot collaboration system using middleware and a remote-operation collaborative system using a common map.
IRID will continue to actively advance cooperation with universities etc.

Time and date: Monday, February 29, 2016 15:00-18:00
Place: Classroom 405, Toyosu Campus, the Shibaura Institute of Technology (Koto Ward, Tokyo)

  • [Photos] Click image to enlarge


  • Holding the industry-university cooperation exchange meeting
    Professor Matsuhira introducing the details of research conducted by the Engineering Science and Mechanics Department, the Shibaura Institute of Technology (Shibaura Institute of Technology)

  • Mr. Terai, TOSHIBA, introducing robot development after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami disaster

  • Mr. Fukushima, TOSHIBA, introducing the development of decontamination equipment for upper floors

  • Mr. Sakai, TOSHIBA, introducing environmental improvement activities and technology development for the Fukushima Daiichi NPS

  • Mr. Ojiro, Deputy General Manager, PCV Investigation, Repair & Structural Integrity Assessment Technology Group, explaining the necessity for human resource development toward nuclear decommissioning (IRID)

Human Resource Development