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IRID Symposium 2019: Challenges for Fuel Debris Retrieval Ⅲ

The International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning (IRID) held a symposium to report on achievements in technology development related to the decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (NPS) that was conducted by IRID. The details of the symposium are as follows.

At the IRID Symposium 2019, the results of IRID’s Research and Development (R&D) entitled “Challenges for Fuel Debris Retrieval Ⅲ” were presented. Additionally, it continued to promote the cultivation of young researchers and engineers as with the previous year’s symposium.

  • 1. Date and time: Thursday, August 1, 2019, 13:00 – 17:15 (Opens at 12:00)
  • 2. Place: Exhibition Hall, 6th floor, Iwaki Business Innovation Center (LATOV), Iwaki city, Fukushima Prefecture.
  • 3. Program
13:00-13:05 Opening remarks
by Hideo Ishibashi, President of IRID
13:05-13:10 Guest speech
by the Director-General of Tatsuya Shinkawa, Nuclear Accident Disaster Response, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
13:10-13:50 Report of “Status of IRID’s R&D”
*The PDF file is available in Japanese only.

by Kenro Takamori, General Manager of the R&D Strategy Planning Department, IRID
13:50-15:35 Presentations of research achievements by students
15:35-17:05 Poster exhibitions on decommissioning
17:05-17:10 Awards ceremony for students
17:10-17:15 Comments on the awards
by Tadashi Kawamura, Executive Director of IRID

<Video> Video footage of the symposium (only a presentation by IRID) can be viewed on YouTube.

*Click the YouTube link below. Only Japanese is available.

Poster exhibitions on the decommissioning technology

  • Click the images to open the PDF files.
  • Introduction of IRID

  • Overview of IRID’s R&D “Challenges for Fuel Debris Retrieval Ⅲ”

  • History of IRID’s R&D

  • Investigation of the inside of the Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) for fuel debris retrieval

  • Detailed information on the inside of the Primary Containment Vessel (PCV) for fuel debris retrieval (Arm-type investigation device)

  • Acquisition of detailed information on the inside of the PCV for fuel debris retrieval (Submersible-type investigation device)

  • Establishing the intake section of the PCV water circulation system during fuel debris retrieval

  • Fuel debris characterization by analysis of fine samples collected in the Fukushima Daiichi NPS

  • Investigation of fuel debris sampling for fuel debris retrieval

  • Retrieval of fuel debris that has fallen into the reactor (technology development)

  • Retrieval of fuel debris that has fallen into the reactor (methodology and systems)

  • Prevention of criticality accidents during fuel debris retrieval and early detection and control of abnormalities

  • Safety storage of fuel debris for a long term

  • Safety management and disposal of waste


The IRID Symposium 2019

  • Click [Photos] to enlarge images.

  • Mr. Kenro Takamori, the General Manager of IRID’s R&D Strategy Planning Department, delivered a presentation on the status of R&D in fuel debris retrieval at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS. The symposium was attended by approximately 270 people (including members of the press).
  • Symposium reception

  • The main hall

  • Opening remarks by Mr. Hideo Ishibashi, President of IRID.

  • Guest speech by Mr. Tatsuya Shinkawa, Director-General, METI

  • Mr. Kenro Takamori, General Manager, IRID

  • The symposium featured presentations of research achievements by students as was done during the previous symposium. Seven students presented high-level presentations. IRID awarded the students with the best and the second-best presentations, but the results of the assessment were very close.
  • Best winner



  • Second best winner

  • Comment by Tadashi Kawamura, Executive Director of IRID

  • After the presentations by students, a poster session was held to promote direct communication with engineers and students who are involved in R&D and the latest IRID’s R&D projects.
  • Poster session




  • Exhibition of a sampling device for small amounts of fuel debris (a prototype) for detailed investigations of the inside of the Unit 2 PCV in the Fukushima Daiichi NPS.

*Click the YouTube link below.

Visit to the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) Naraha Center for Remote Control Technology Development and Fukushima Daiichi NPS

On Friday, August 2, 2019, the IRID organized a site tour of the Fukushima Daiichi NPS and the JAEA Naraha Remote Technology Development Center for students who gave presentations and exhibited posters at the IRID Symposium 2019. They included undergraduates, graduate students, and students at the National Institute of Technology. The site tour is arranged yearly on the day after the symposium. This site tour also included the TEPCO Decommissioning Archive Center, which was newly opened in November 2018.

This site tour intended to promote a better understanding of R&D related to the decommissioning among those students who are expected to work on the decommissioning in the future. The site tour also aimed to provide an opportunity to visit the Fukushima Daiichi NPS and the Naraha Remote Technology Development Center to be utilized for further research activities.

  • Click [Photos] to enlarge images.

  • Naraha Center for Remote Control Technology Development

  • Main gate of the Naraha Center

  • TEPCO Decommissioning Archive Center

  • Fukushima Daiichi NPS

  • Participants of the Fukushima Daiichi NPS visit

Reports of Activities